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Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD)

4 min read

Description of Characteristics:

  • Market-Driven and Collaborative: The TNFD is a global, market-led initiative bringing together financial institutions, corporations, governments, and NGOs. This collaborative approach aims to develop a risk management and disclosure framework for nature-related risks.
  • Evolving: The TNFD is still under development, with the final framework expected to be released in September 2023. This reflects the evolving understanding of nature-related risks and the need for a dynamic framework that can adapt to new information and challenges.
  • Global Scope: The TNFD aims to create a globally applicable framework, recognizing that nature-related risks are interconnected and transcend national borders.
  • Focus on Nature-Related Risks: The TNFD’s core focus is on understanding, assessing, and disclosing nature-related risks and opportunities, including those related to biodiversity loss, climate change, pollution, and resource scarcity.

Targeted Audience:

  • Financial Institutions: Banks, insurers, asset managers, and other financial institutions are a primary target audience, as they need to assess and manage their exposure to nature-related risks.
  • Corporations: Companies across all sectors are also a key audience, as they need to understand how nature-related risks can impact their operations, supply chains, and financial performance.
  • Governments and Regulators: Governments and regulators play a crucial role in creating an enabling environment for TNFD adoption and ensuring that financial markets adequately account for nature-related risks.
  • Other Stakeholders: NGOs, academics, and other stakeholders are involved in the development and implementation of the TNFD to ensure a comprehensive and inclusive approach.

Specific Criteria (Proposed):

  • LEAP Approach: The TNFD proposes a “LEAP” approach for nature-related risk assessment:
    • Locate: Identify and assess the company’s interface with nature.
    • Evaluate: Assess the dependencies and impacts of the company’s activities on nature.
    • Assess: Assess the risks and opportunities arising from the company’s relationship with nature.
    • Prepare: Prepare disclosures and take action to manage nature-related risks and opportunities.
  • Risk and Opportunity Assessment: The TNFD emphasizes a comprehensive assessment of both risks and opportunities related to nature, recognizing that nature can be a source of value creation as well as risk.
  • Metrics and Targets: The TNFD aims to develop standardized metrics and targets for measuring and reporting nature-related risks and opportunities, promoting comparability and transparency.

Reporting Principles (Proposed):

  • Market-Useful: Disclosures should be relevant, reliable, and comparable to inform investors and other stakeholders about nature-related risks and opportunities.
  • Science-Based: Disclosures should be grounded in the best available scientific evidence and methodologies.
  • Risk-Focused: Disclosures should prioritize material risks and opportunities that could significantly impact the company’s financial performance or long-term resilience.
  • Action-Oriented: Disclosures should not only inform but also drive action by companies to manage nature-related risks and seize opportunities.

Reporting Process (Proposed):

  1. Risk Assessment: Companies conduct a comprehensive assessment of their nature-related risks and opportunities using the TNFD framework and guidance.
  2. Strategy Development: Companies develop strategies to manage and mitigate identified risks and capitalize on opportunities.
  3. Metrics and Targets: Companies set measurable targets and identify relevant metrics to track their progress in managing nature-related risks and opportunities.
  4. Disclosure: Companies disclose their nature-related risks, opportunities, strategies, metrics, and targets in their financial filings and other relevant reports.

Connections to Other Frameworks:

  • TCFD: The TNFD is designed to complement and build upon the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) framework, recognizing the interconnectedness of climate and nature-related risks.
  • SASB Standards: The TNFD may incorporate or reference relevant metrics from the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) Standards to ensure alignment and comparability.
  • Science-Based Targets Network (SBTN): The TNFD is collaborating with the SBTN to develop science-based targets for nature, providing a robust framework for corporate action.


  • Data Availability and Quality: Gathering reliable and comprehensive data on nature-related risks can be challenging, especially for companies with complex supply chains and operations in diverse geographical locations.
  • Standardization: Developing standardized metrics and methodologies for assessing and reporting nature-related risks is a complex task, requiring collaboration and consensus-building across different sectors and stakeholders.
  • Integration into Existing Reporting Frameworks: Integrating TNFD disclosures into existing financial reporting frameworks and processes may require adjustments and capacity building for companies.

Compliance Guidance (Future):

  • TNFD Framework and Guidance: The final TNFD framework and accompanying guidance documents will provide the most comprehensive source of information on compliance expectations.
  • Sector-Specific Guidance: The TNFD is developing sector-specific guidance to address the unique nature-related risks faced by different industries.
  • Training and Capacity Building: The TNFD is working to develop training programs and resources to support companies in implementing the framework.

Usability Evaluation:

  • Level of Adoption: As the TNFD is still under development, adoption is not yet widespread. However, it is expected to gain significant traction once the final framework is released, given the growing recognition of nature-related risks and the support from major financial institutions and corporations.
  • Ease of Use: The usability of the TNFD framework will depend on the clarity and practicality of the final guidance documents and the availability of tools and resources to support implementation.
  • Focus Areas: The TNFD’s comprehensive focus on various nature-related risks, including biodiversity loss, climate change, pollution, and resource scarcity, is a strength, but it also adds complexity and requires a multi-disciplinary approach.

SyncFrame Compatibility:

SyncFrame’s capabilities align well with the anticipated requirements of the TNFD framework. The platform can support companies by:

  • Data Collection and Management: Facilitating the collection, organization, and analysis of data on nature-related risks and opportunities, including environmental and social data.
  • Risk Assessment and Scenario Analysis: Supporting the assessment of nature-related risks under different scenarios, enabling companies to identify potential impacts and develop appropriate mitigation strategies.
  • Impact Measurement and Reporting: Enabling the tracking and reporting of progress on nature-related targets and the impact of corporate actions on nature.

By leveraging SyncFrame’s capabilities, companies can effectively prepare for and implement the TNFD framework, demonstrate their commitment to nature-positive practices, and gain a competitive advantage in the transition towards a more sustainable and resilient economy.

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